Saturday, August 20, 2011

Peace Is What The World Strives For

Growing up I have learnt about war, watched them on T.v, and read about them. It might be interesting to learn about because they are a part of history we cant ignore. But do we really want another World War or any War really? I can't even imagine living through one. If there was to be a WW3, well everyone knows that wouldn't end well.

In WW2 many countries were at war, even in towns people were living an unjust life. Everyone was hoping for peace, peace that took many years to come. Even when it came the world wasn't considered utopia. The sad truth is that right now at this second somewhere in the world people are fighting, some of those fights are wars and some are just the regular fight with a friend. The point is that the world isn't peaceful.

If I was lucky enough to have the chance to create a 'New World' and choose just one characteristic I would, by far choose peace. I have been lucky enough to live in somewhat peaceful societies but I know many people don't have that luxury. Peace is what the world strives for, yet we haven't been able to reach that goal. There is always someone that wants more than what they are given.

If our 'world' started out with a goal of peace it would have easily been for-filled in a matter of years. Many people may have a different opinion on what the main characteristic should be if we could start all over. But I think peace is needed before you go into detail like organization and rules. I think one overall goal works best because rules, organization ect. fall into place whilst you are trying to reach your overall goal. Peace is what we strive for today, so why don't we strive for it tomorrow?

The image I chose is called 'Bird of Peace'. I chose this image in my eyes portrays peace because of the bird outline in white. I think that white is a color of peace when it is placed with many bright/ happy colors.

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