Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Do We become What We Are Today?

Every move we take, every choice we make, it all makes a difference good or bad. Jesus Colon was at the subway station very late one night right before he made a decision that changed the way he thought about things.

Jesus Colon walked aboard a train one night. It was late. A woman with two little children a baby and a suitcase in her hand was also on the train. When it got close to Colon's stop he saw the woman with the two children, a baby and a suitcase get ready to get off. he asked himself, do I help her? he wondered what would she think? what would a black, Puerto Rican man past midnight approaching a white lady look like? would she say yes? he was to worried of what she would think so he walked straight past. This connects to 'No Man is an Island' by John Donne because in Donne's poem the line 'No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main' relates to Colon's story because he felt different and ashamed of his differences, he felt like an island, though really he is a part of the continent because he realized he did the wrong thing and he will never do it again. Colon's story for me relates to everyday things like just smiling in to hallway to someone can really make a difference.

Colon still to this day regrets the choice he made in the subway station and said that he would never not help someone again no matter what the response might be because at least you tried.

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