Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hope Is What Keeps Us Going

By fighting for what she believes in Michaela Mycroft not only gives herself hope but many others to. She has done many things to not only make her life easier but for many others to. She was driven to help others from her own needs, needs for others, and awareness about those in need.

Michaela Mycroft was born with Cerebral Palsy, a disease which limits the function of her arms and legs.
When Michaela was 9 she was in great need of a wheelchair. So she raised some money with her friends and sisters so that she was able to get one. After 7 weeks of raising money, she had enough to get one but she still had some more money and decided to use it to help other children in South Africa just like herself.

After helping numerous kids it turned into The Chaeli Campaign. Now not only did she raise money to help children with disabilities get wheelchairs but get physical therapy as well. The Chaeli Campaign helps about 3000 children in South Africa per year. A campaign founded by kids became so successful because they were doing the right thing and no-one else was taking up the challenge. 

Now Michaela is 17 and just won The International Childrens Peace Prize for 2011. She had so much hope and that is what made The Chaeli Campaign so successful. By having hope for herself she gave hope to others by helping them have a better and easier life. Not just anyone would be willing to give up as much time and effort to do what Michaela did and she has a disability, but it goes to show nothing can stop you.

From starting with nothing Michaela Mycroft has come a long way. Her kindness and hope pulled her through and helped many others on her journey. It goes to show that hope and a dream you can do anything.