Thursday, December 8, 2011

Buy Nothing Day

Everyone knows that the world is heating up, but there are was to stop it. There are many ways to stop this and the problem is not everyone is contributing.  On November 26th it is buy nothing day, when you buy nothing. It's really not that hard but even though we all need to buy things like food but we don't need to buy clothes, decorations ect. Buy nothing day does a few things, it slows down consumption rates, which slows production, and overall less gases and poisons are released into the atmosphere.

The first thing that Buy nothing day does it slows down consumption. Consumption is what we consume ( buy) . These days people buy a lot of things they don't need like iPads, clothes and useless little toys. But what people don't understand is that by buying all this 'stuff ' actually has an effect on ourplanet. If we reduce our consumption rates then our production rates will drop.

Production, is the process in which things are made. Production releases toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. It does this by adding chemicals to the greenhouse effect ( what keeps earth warm) and it heats up earth. 

These three steps can easily be reduced and if so it could make a huge change in the way our planet is heading. The truth is, it isn't even that hard we just need to stop buying useless things but for some people it can be hard but this small adjustment could make a huge impact on our plant and hopefully make it a better place.